Thursday, April 02, 2015

2 April 2015 TA になります

而今天我很荣幸可以被提名又被选中为 TA (teaching assistant), 在这麗澤大学入学式重要的一刻有点贡献。


I do like to be a bridge between Malaysia and Japan.

Last year of today, I have been successfully be a Master Student of Reitaku University.
Time flies.
I am grateful that after one year, I have been nominated and selected as my thesis supervisor's TA in Graduate School. I believe this is one of the opportunities for me to learn and experience more. I will contribute as much as I can.

A young happy lady with huge goal.
Strive with Vigour
Aim Higher

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

24岁的最后一天 The Last Day of My 24 Muakkks

Yea 明天就 25 岁了,太开心了,为何呢?
这是我的秘密 哈哈哈

24 岁对我来说可是我有生以来最奋斗的一年,天哪!

谢谢妈咪的全力支持 muakkks,谢谢在天国的daddy,虽然我不能透过我的肉眼去看您,但我可以用心来感受您的存在,无时无刻都在我身边默默地呵护我,很感恩我在日本的爸妈,待我如亲生女儿般呵护于对待,让我在日本留学的这一年,过得很好,很充实。也谢谢我在日本的老板,有一个像妈咪一样的老板感觉挺好的,还有日本的奶奶,待我像公主,我也带您像女王一般尊敬,谢谢我日本的每一位指导教授,也非常谢谢照顾我的会社。



谢谢您让我学习到在非常渴望一样东西时应有的态度,您让我明白生命是如此的可贵,失败不是 the end,是人生或多或少必须经历的一个点,因为一旦成功了,I will have a tender heart,我现在终于感受到了,谢谢您,我真的很爱您,会孝敬您一辈子。


我 25 岁的愿望是愿身边爱我的每一位 和 我爱的每一位都能身体健康,平安快乐,心想事成。

在此,祝福各位,晚安,我爱你们 muakkks

Yea tomorrow, I will be 25 years old, so happy.
This is my secret ha ha ha

24 years old is my most struggle year, oh my God!
However, I believe my 25-year-old will be my most productive year, that's really great!

I am grateful to every great person around me, because of you, I grown, physically, mentally and psychologically.

Million thanks for mummy's fully support, thank you daddy in heaven, even I can't see you everyday, but I can feel and sense you often taking good care of me, thanks so much to parents in Japan really taking good care, loving and treating me like your own daughter, make my studied life in Japan full of love. I also thanks my boss in Japan, I am very grateful to have a boss treating me like her daughter too, as well as my Japanese grandmother, treating me like a princess, and I also respect you like a Queen. At the same time, I am grateful to have a kaisha to take care of me too.

As a young person, we should treat every challenges and difficulties in our life as an opportunity to grow. It is always good to experience something new.

When we are still in the progress of struggling, cherish the good and care of our elders, family and friends and try to feel their love and concern toward us. We should be gratitude and sincerely thanks them as given us the support, love and their precious time.

Thank you for guiding me well and make me understand that we should have a right attitude while in the progress of achieving or targeting a dreams. Life is so precious, failure is not the end, but is just a point to go through in our life, because once successful, I will have a tender heart, and I do really feel it now, is really sweet in my heart, thank you, I really love you, will respect you forever.

Have the opportunity or if the circumstance is allowed, be brave to step foot and go further  as well as to experience other countries which are really different in culture and life, then you will find that this world is really wonderful and out of our expectation.

My 25 years old wish, I wish everyone around me and who I love and care can always  healthy, safety, beauty and happy, all the best and wishes come true.

Good night, I love you muakkks

Best wishes and regards ;-)